One atypical thing about my life right now is that even though I am a working adult, my schedule is significantly affected by those of college students (due to the ministry I'm investing in). With the semester coming to a close and the campus filled with family/friends visiting for graduation, many of the meetings I normally partake in after work have been cancelled. I wanted to steward this God-given free time (!) purposefully and this week has been just that!
1) Developing discipline
Unfortunately over the past semester I've lost alot of the discipline and self-control I once had. I've been praying for discipline for a while but this week God has given me SO many chances to make new commitments for the year (and actually stick to them)! This is a great beginning to the "new year" that begins next weekend, and I'm hopeful that God will enable me to stay true to my commitments for the rest of the summer.
2) Being still (Psalm 46:10)
While serving in our church, I've often found myself making ministry an idol rather than worshiping God himself. Being a complete Martha (a 'do'-er, not just a 'be'-er), I've struggled with allocating my time between those I need to minister to vs. times I need to be ministered to. Often times God would get the leftovers in my schedule because I felt like I always needed to be doing something, producing results that would validate my investment. This week to myself has been really good to just be still and know He is God (aka He'll take care of everything with or without me).
TYL for this incredible week of developing disciplines, being still, (and knowing YOU ARE GOD)!