This weekend has been one filled with many birthday celebrations--for one, I'm thankful for birthdays because it gives us, at the bare minimum, excuses to get together. More than that though, when I'm writing that card to the birthday gal or guy, it makes me reflect on our relationship and how much it has grown.
Last night as I was writing that note for my roommate Grace, I was just in awe over what I witnessed as a friend over the past year. Grace and I have known each other for 4.5 years, but we never REALLY got to know each other until two summers ago when we served side-by-side during a summer missions project. Our friendship began as we planned cooking lessons for underachieving youth in Detroit, woke up together to trek to morning prayer, and even shared a van ride to Austin and back. The more I interacted with her, the more I realized how different we were--hobbies, upbringing, strengths, favorite colors, you name it--in every way we were opposites. Truly the only commonality we had was our desire to love God more.
Having had nearly no common interests and vastly different schedules, Grace and I never had much time together to build our relationship. But MAN I can't believe I had the privilege of witnessing things in her life over the past year. Seeing her graduate from nursing school, pass her licensing exam, and get hired as a registered nurse have all been a complete GOD THING. Without having known her individual struggles and the things she was going through, I would not have been able to accredit all those things to sure signs of GG. Because even the struggles we went through were so different, often times I didn't even know how to respond or how to pray for her.. But MAN I'm so glad I didn't miss out on witnessing God carry out His promises through every trial that came her way.
Here's to another year of experiencing God's grace through our unexpected friendship!

Photo: The beginnings of our friendship via csmp physical training (on a rainy day hehe)