Today was a slow day at work, which I haven't experienced since January when work became a whole another ballgame. Despite the free time, it's been hard for me to reflect today--something about not proDUCING anything makes me feel.. uneasy. I definitely depend on my results to define/affect my worth, which is NG. (Pic to my right is the wall I stare at in my lonely cubicle)
One exciting thing is that Lisa, a freshman from Northwestern that I met at the international student retreat a few weeks ago, is doing a one-day internship at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and stayed with me last night. Ann Arbor frequently gets visitors from the HMCC of Chicago, but it's very rare that they ever venture outside of our college campus to come see Detroit of all places. Last night after LG I picked up Lisa from the megabus station, got to know her more before I fell asleep prematurely (can't keep up with college students anymore), and this morning she accompanied me during my drive in. I don't know if she really meant it but apparently she liked the feel of downtown Detroit more than downtown Chicago... O_O
Tonight she'll be joining Jean for LG, Ann Arbor-style--praying she'll get drenched by the HS and experience the power of God in this place!