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Yesterday I was reading the story of a blind beggar who begs Jesus to have mercy on him (Luke 18:35-43). The crowd around him tells him to shut up, but the beggar insists and decides to shout even louder. Jesus heals the beggar to restore his sight, and everyone ends up praising God.

All it took was for the blind man to ask Jesus to heal him, and VOILA that was it.

Last night when I was praying with my lifegroup, one of the members was burdened for a non-believer in my lifegroup who has been present with us all throughout the year, but has been unresponsive to the gospel. He mentioned a passage God gave him, and how he feels like the god of this age (satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:5). Right before that time of prayer, I had met with my LCG (the non-believer) and when we were discussing the story of the blind beggar in Luke 18, she inquired why we don't see God working in our lives today. At first I sat there dumbfounded--all around me, I could see God working so evidently. People in our church were accepting Christ, people in our lifegroup who I thought would fall away first semester were coming back to the Lord, there was a tremendous amount of peace despite a father losing a job, areas of sin were being redeemed for His glory, the list went on and on. How is it that two people look at the same situation(s), but one sees God working and another doesn't?

Satan has surely blinded the minds of unbelievers to the light of the gospel. Satan you suck but you will not prevail. Earlier in Luke 18 (v1-8) is the parable of the persistent widow. If even a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought would grant this woman justice, why wouldn't our Lord Jesus, who came into the earth to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10) bring salvation to our friends, right? Crying out until He grants justice..


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