I have had one terrible habit since the 5th grade of biting my nails--it's been such a prevalent part of my life for SO long that I legitimately feel like I am in bondage to this habit (dramatic, I know). It's even sillier how I got "pulled in": My older brother started biting his nails a few years before I did, and I remember thinking how STUPID it was for him to be unable to stop. So one day, I put one nail in my mouth JUST to see what the big deal was--'what could be so great about biting nails? it must be pretty good for him to not be able to stop..' and VOILA since that day twelve years ago, I couldn't turn back. I got a taste, a seemingly harmless taste, and was hooked. I don't even know why I keep doing it, but whenever my hands are free (ie: I'm thinking really hard on an exam, writing a paper, not wanting to engage in a conversation)--there goes my hand in my mouth. It's so dumb and I don't understand why I do it. I've even wondered if I'm stuck in the oral fixation stage that Freud mentions. I just don't know.
My relationship with my mom is an interesting one. Even though I am a fully grown 22 year old with a full-time job, my mom babies me like no other. I am a MG (momma's girl), and my friends all know it.
She disapproves of my decision to willingly live in Michigan (and frankly just doesn't understand why), but she will be visiting in a few weeks. I know I can't offer her much time, but one way I want to give her hope is by overcoming this terrible habit and show her some grown-up nails. Like I mentioned yesterday, I hate accountability but if I'm serious about keeping my commitments, I know it's necessary. So here we go, if you see me biting my nail, feel free to poke, comment, or give me a dirty look :T
P.S. I've had that DON'T DO IT | DO NOT BITE note on my computer since Day 1. It has yet to prove its effectiveness..
ugh. i bite my nails too.. bad habit. but in my OCD-ness, i also NEED my nails to be uber smooth. so right after i bite my nails, i have to find a nail file (or any file would do too) just to smoothen it; if not, say goodbye to all productivity. i'm nuts. haha.