I've been really enjoying my time driving this week. The week started off freaking out about the warning light to check my tire pressure (and fill my gas tank), but after I took care of that I think I just had a greater appreciation of my car.
Even though driving 90 miles/day is never ideal, I've come to (on occasion)appreciate my long commutes. Throughout the past eight months, my commutes have been awesome times for me to memorize verses, catch-up with Hyeri, or actually pray for the people on my dinky prayer card. That little vehicle has served as a sanctuary for me and sometimes even with other people. I distinctly remember a time last year when I had an emergency breakdown session with a friend in her car. We only ended up there because both of our apartments were at-the-time occupied--but man that time venting and praying in a confined vehicle was sweet.
Even though I had previously been very adamant about not owning a car (why pay the fixed costs of car insurance, variable costs of gasoline, constant stresses of parking when you can just SHARE a car instead?), I'm thankful because owning car has also allowed me to take freshmen off-campus (remember how exciting that was?), give rides to the airport (man I am so indebted to all the older sisters who did this for me YEAR after YEAR), and so much more. I love my car :)