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Launching points

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm gonna miss Wed night chapel times.

Every Wed night, I meet with a couple people to pray for our lifegroup. Tonight as one of the members were closing out, he mentioned how thankful he was for the relationships that were built this year, and prayed that the accountability relationships would continue through the summer and beyond.

It wasn't anything new, but that kind of specific prayer just didn't cross my mind for some reason. I couldn't help but giggle inside with excitement, as I thought about all the relationships that flourished AFTER a life group ended.

Eight months is just too short of a time for a relationship to be built then ended. So many relationships flourished and went to deeper levels in the months and years following an "official" time period, which makes me feel a little less sad about this lifegroup coming to a close. The school year might be over, but the relationships last forever.

Another reason why I'm going to miss Wed chapel times: consistency in seeing the same faces, week after week! No matter how busy a week is, I always get to see Angela, Anna, Bo, DJ, and Erica, and MJ on Wed nights :)

Random side note: I love looking at old pictures I unknowingly took on my phone!

Here's a silly pic of two relationships that flourished after our official context teehehe


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