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Laying down my life for the sheep

I've been failing a lot of tests lately.

#1: During spring break, my LIFEgroup took a road trip to TheMiddleOfNowhere, MI. Even though we intended to stick together through the three-hour road trip, I ended up implicitly pressuring the other drivers to drive faster than they felt comfortable going. The consequence? Two uneasy drivers and eventually a speeding ticket. Sadly I was more concerned about my car arriving at our destination efficiently more than keeping the group together.

#2: During a missions meeting, ten of us were grouped together to recite memory verses. One person had such a hard time reciting Galatians 2:20 that so much of me wanted to take over and offer to just recite it on her behalf. While I was fuming with impatience, another teammate stepped in and patiently voiced that we wouldn't give up on her until she got it completely. I was so humbled and owned.

#3: The night before Easter, my ministry team met at the Power Center to set up a display. Because I didn't have a hands-on role in the project, I only intended to "stop by" to show my moral support. I didn't feel at ease about leaving the team midway though and ended up (bitterly) sticking with my team until the very end. Even though I was there physically, I was so disengaged in my heart.

One way I feel like God is trying to grow me right now is as a shepherd. Jesus says that He is the good shepherd, and the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Sadly right now I am more like this: "The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep" (John 10:11-13). 

I know I don't have natural shepherding tendencies, but that doesn't mean God hasn't called me to shepherd. I think God will continue to test me in this area until I actually understand the concept and start passing the test. God give me the grace to embrace these opportunities to mature, and to lay down my life for your sheep.


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