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Making coJESUSre famous

I never thought this day would come, but.. I think I love my LIFEgroup.

Yes. I struggled to love my LIFEgroup allllllll the way until.. a month ago. Mostly due to my pride that refused to submit & insecurities that kept me from loving without bounds. But here we are, six months later, and God has changed my heart. It's. A. Miracle.

Last week everyone wrote down a testimony of why we're thankful for our LIFEgroup community. Here are a couple that were especially encouraging to me:

"LIFEgroup is a crazy thing that God has used to teach me lessons. Quite honestly, I didn't like any part of this LIFEgroup at first. I prayed and prayed that God would help me to love--love my members, LCGs, and leaders. It took roughly.. SIX MONTHS but God was so faithful. Because even in the dry and hard-to-love times, He was working in ways that I couldn't see and had no way of seeing until now. He very powerfully, yet subtly used a weekend we had together in a random town in Michigan to allow me to finally love and acknowledge them as a family that I am happy to be a part of." 

"When my LIFEgroup and I met for the first time, I didn't know what to expect. It was hard to imagine that we would eventually grow close as family, yet this LIFEgroup has defied my expectations. It has been amazing to see so much growth in everyone and how far we've come together. We started out being very awkward, but everyone is now comfortable to the point where we can share about our pasts and not feel shame. It is encouraging to attain so much support, and it has been great to dish out all the milestones in our lives as a CORE family." 

"Despite differing opinions, contrasting backgrounds, diverse experiences.. LIFEgroup is extremely inclusive and open-minded. Come to LG to meet genuinely caring, respectful people." 

"LIFEgroup at first was extremely hard to love. During first semester, I didn't even want to go to anything AT ALL. A lot of this struggle had to do with my personal struggles and issues. However, as God started working in MY HEART, He opened my eyes to show me that our LG was made up of many different people who truly LOVE one another. Although our love is not as outwardly expressed, through little small actions, you can clearly see that CORE loves each other and LOVES GOD!"

All the glory to you God >> "I (Paul) planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow." 


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