An all-girls LIFEgroup devouring an entire cake in 2 minutes (timed); at a reunion that took 77 emails to implement :P |
Even though I've always been an advocate of spring/summer LIFEgroups, something about my single-gender LIFEgroup last summer was notably different. Remarkably honest and raw from the very beginning, setting the bar for the rest of the summer we had together.
Which got me thinking--what made this LIFEgroup so powerful?
I've never trembled signing a LIFEgroup covenant as much as I have with Get Low. We came up with an extensive list of things we wanted to see happen in our LIFEgroup, and then committed to it together.
There was no undershooting or "toning it down" to make it more realistic or achievable. We agreed on things that we hoped for, then revisited it every time we struggled to live by it. We committed in faith, with confidence and hope that it would happen.
Really makes me think about the importance of making covenants in faith.
I don't want to be held back by the fear of failure anymore.