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Where there is a vision..

Four years ago, Jesus gave me a vision for a long-term career in higher education, which I never even knew existed. It came unexpected after a struggle to surrender my career as an undergraduate business student, and for four years God used my time at Deloitte and the college ministry at HMCC to grow my skillsets, character, and passions.

Why the career change?
I entered the University of Michigan as an undergraduate business student focused solely on excelling in my studies to secure a prestigious full-time job. To my surprise, I received so much more than just an enriching intellectual experience as Christ found me and gave me a new identity, purpose, and passions. As I began to follow my newfound lord and savior, I was challenged to let go of my plans to trust instead.

The experience that changed it all
Right before my senior year in college, I participated in a community summer missions project with my church instead of taking a corporate internship. Even though I had a hard time surrendering the summer, God really used this time to help me to discover my giftings, train me in spiritual disciplines, and even give me a long-term vision for my future. I spent that summer with underperforming high school students in Detroit, where I had the privilege of mentoring students in a critical time in their lives. While I had noted marketing as a passion through my time in college, I didn't discover until then that education was the product that I wanted to sell to the world.

College students are my passion
I have witnessed countless students flourish in academic performance, confidence, and character through strong mentorship in their college years. My life is a living example, and I really think college is a precious time in people's lives where they can be transformed and trained to influence the world. As an aspiring professional in student affairs, I hope to mentor and develop college students as future leaders of high character and competence.

Praise be to God for the vision he have me four years ago, and the provision today. Where there is a vision, there is always a provision! 


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