I used to think that doing God's will, or doing the "right thing", always involved making sacrifices, dying to myself, and ultimately--having no fun.
For the first three years after accepting Christ, I felt restrained and limited in what I could/could not do and found little joy and freedom in following Christ. A lot of these misconceptions I had were results of me living in darkness and being dishonest/fake/a complete fluke with God. But slowly as I came into the light and admitted to how I genuinely felt, the transformation and renewing of my mind began.
In the Bible, Jesus says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). AKA Jesus came so that I may experience life to the full. The best life I could ever imagine. The life I've always wanted.
I always knew this truth in my head but couldn't confidently testify to it personally until very recently. Often times when I thought about what I am pouring out my energy and time into right now as a college graduate, I could not help but wonder if this was really the best life I could be living. Working in Detroit? Living in Ann Arbor? Having a lifegroup co-leader as the most frequently contacted/involved guy in my life? CMON LET'S BE REAL. Still, by head knowledge I believed that doing God's will right now was the best life I could be living.
When it came to this past Memorial Day weekend, part of me wondered again if spending the extended weekend with a group of undergrads would really be better than venturing off to a thriving city or just kicking back with my peers. But God assured me of the promise that doing His will was really the BEST life I could be living. This weekend I had a mindblowingly AWESOME time with the girls God has been miraculously(!) growing my heart towards.
I don't normally post photos like this in my blog (and this is where I humbly admit having a tumblr or posterous would be much more appropriate).. But these photos remind me of God's promise that a life pursuing after Christ is THE secret to a happy and full life.
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:11-13

"OMG this is the best... food.. I've ever tasted in my LIFE!" hahah tania, my new lcg, being a cutie as usual. i am learning from her on how to be cute. haha

Pastor Jean puhahahahaha

My silly co's spelling out GPS in the shadows.. puhahahah

My silly co's spelling out GPS in the shadows.. puhahahah
God THANK YOU for using this weekend to remind me that your intention is not to harm me, but to have me prosper and thrive in this life, fully enjoying every day you've given me, and being thankful always. YOU ARE SO GOOD!