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Showing posts from March, 2017

Journeying through the Wall

Transitioning into 2017 was an unusually uncertain and anxiety-inducing time for me. Near the end of 2016, my close colleagues and I began discussing the idea of taking an overseas trip together in Summer 2017. As excited as I was about the idea, I was frightened as I looked ahead to where I might be in Summer 2017 - would I A) be on my way out of Singapore at the 2 year mark, or B) have recommitted to another year? I had absolutely NO IDEA and felt like it could really go either way. I was filled with anxiety thinking about the uncertainty, and have spent the past few months trying to pray through how God might be leading me. Everything in me wanted the answer to be A, to leave. Life in Singapore for me has been lonely, exposing, and painful. It has been difficult to embrace my singlehood when everyone around me is married and/or popping our babies. Difficult to embrace the intimate church community when I just want to be anonymous. Difficult to have hope when many around me are s