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Showing posts from 2019

Cities, Airports, & Books of 2019

As an information-driven recap of the year: here are the cities I’ve slept in, the airports I’ve arrived in or departed from, books I read, and shows I saw. (Past years: 2018 ) Compared to last year: "Shows I saw" is a new category. "Books I read" were more heavily audiobooks.     Cities I slept in  Ann Arbor, Michigan Cotswolds, England Denver, Colorado Fuchu, Japan Jeju, Korea Kaohsiung, Taiwan London, England Los Angeles, California Oxford, England Portland, Oregon San Francisco, CA Seattle, Washington Toronto, Canada Seoul, Korea Singapore Whistler, Canada Airports I traveled through CJI  DEN DTW ICN KHH LAX LHR OAK NRT SEA SJC SFO SIN Books I read A Higher Loyalty A Million Years In A Thousand Years Atomic Habits Becoming Billion Dollar Whale Culture Map Customer Success Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World Educated Free Food For Millionaires Gay Girl Good God If Yo...

Why we don't hear God audibly

"God doesn't talk to me in an audible voice because God isn't a human being; He's God. That makes sense to me, because human beings are limited and God isn't limited at all. He can communicate to us in any way He wants to anytime He wants to. Through flowers, other people, an uncomfortable sense, a feeling of joy, goosebumps, a newfound talent, or an appreciation we acquire over time. It doesn't need to be a big mystical thing." - Bob Goff, Love Does (page 140)