One of the hardest things about deciding to leave Ann Arbor was all the rich relationships I would have to leave behind. I think the practical part of me couldn't think that such deep and gospel-centered relationships could form in short periods of time in my coming year in Philly, and yet a completely new relationship with a sister in my new LIFEgroup this spring shattered that cynical preconception. We got close so quick that it gave me hope for what was to come in my impending move. Last night I got to spend several hours conversing and worshipping with one of the new sisters I met here in Philly, less than a week ago. It was such a sweet time of being honest with one another, testifying to God's faithfulness, speaking truth amidst our fears, and worshipping together. I can't believe how quickly and graciously God has answered my prayer for sisters to run the race with, and hope we can mutually encourage each other to fight the good fight, for the year(s) to come.