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Showing posts from June, 2014

Sharks, sin, and the law

The law is like a warning sign you find at the beach. The sign of sharks is there to help us, to protect us, to guide us--and we have the choice to ignore it or follow it. The sign doesn't kill the shark or prevent it from being present at the beach, just like how following the law doesn't correspond to a sin-free life. Warning sign: Law Sharks: Sin Beach: Life Sometimes I get so upset about not being able to swim in the water that I start despising the sign and the one who put it there. This illustration came up last night as our LIFEgroup was discussing Romans 7. Will you spend your life wallowing in sin and bitterness, or will you devote it to warning others about the sign? I hope I will always choose the latter.

Ministry & Calling

Yesterday I had a chance to visit my friend at the school she teaches in Detroit. Though my time there was brief, I couldn't help but smile as I saw her live out her calling as a teacher, which she discovered while serving on several ministries in our church . A great question to think about if you're not sure what your calling is: What are the activities you're involved with right now that you don't mind doing, no matter the cost? This is the question that helped me identify my desire to devote my life to college students--excited to pursue this new chapter in  my life!