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Showing posts from October, 2012

A vivid encounter involving roadkill, hockey, and bad guys

By now I think it's pretty clear that God loves to speak to me through my dreams. Here is a vivid dream I had after returning from the 2012 Undergrad Retreat. In the  dream , I was walking down State Street (towards Yost) when I realized I was being chased by some bad guys. In an attempt to escape, I ran into a barber shop (pretty sure it was  this one  actually) that ended up being a secret passageway to a UM hockey   game . As I was walking down the hallway from the barber shop to the ice rink, I noticed a copious amount of roadkill near my footsteps. I DESPISE dead animals (yet alone live ones :X) so I started getting really disgusted, repulsed, and discouraged at the sight of dead birds, squirrels, and dogs on-my-way to the ice rink. I thought I could avoid this discomfort by turning back, but was confronted with a flood of (live) dogs running right at me soon-after. I couldn't handle that either and ended up leaving the arena and the barber shop, back on the ...